Monday, October 20, 2008

...the Beginning: a statement of mission

A few months ago, as I was peering out into the horizon to see the beginning twinklings of 5769, reviewing the past year, I realized that I've been missing an old friend of mine pretty dearly: Torah.

I decided that to rectify the situation, weekly, I would start to write a little something (a question, an interpretation, an application) on the week's Parsha (starting in Bereishit... because it just has to be done that way) in hopes that the process will get me to become more familiar with the text, to struggle with it, and to continue thinking (critically) about the Torah and how I'm going to apply it to my life.

In the spirit of learning (in so many senses of the word), I'd like to invite you --to ask you, please, to join me in this conversation: to offer new questions, new answers, to challenge me or the text or... whathaveyou, or to express your own troubles with the text. I'd thoroughly appreciate anything you might have to say, and think that it would make (at least) my learning all the richer.

So, with that:
Onward, Chevreh, let's hit the books!